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Veterans Breakfast Club at University of Pitt-Greensburg @ 8:30am-10:30am, Saturday, November 9

Join us for another Veterans Breakfast Club storytelling event on Saturday, November 9 at 8:30am! A buffet breakfast will be served at 8:30am followed by veterans sharing stories with Todd DePastino emceeing. There's no charge for the event, but you must RSVP to: or by calling 412-623-9029. The University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg welcomes

Special Event: Homefront and Frontlines: Women and the Impact of War, Sunday, October 27, 2024 @ 2-4pm

The Veterans Breakfast Club will hold a special FREE event we're calling Homefront and Frontlines: Women and the Impact of War at the Heinz History Center on Sunday, October 27 at 2-4pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. We especially invite women who have been part of the military and veteran community either as veterans themselves

Special Event: Rocky Bleier at Fort Indiantown Gap, Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 8:30am-10:30am

Join us for a FREE breakfast with Rocky Bleier at Fort Indiantown Gap on Tuesday, October 15 at 8:30am! Pittsburgh Steeler and Vietnam Veteran Rocky Bleier will be at the Veterans Breakfast Club to to tell his awe-inspiring story of going to war, coming home, and fighting back to Super Bowl victory. Breakfast will be

ZOOM event: VBC OktoberFest: Vets Who Served in Germany, Monday, October 7, 6-7:30pm ET

We talk with veterans who served in Germany, before, during, and after the Cold War. Livestream begins at 6pm ET. Join here:For our in-person attendees: The VBC with the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership and veteran-owned AE Works is hosting a Veterans OktoberFest Night in Market Square Pittsburgh on Monday, October 7 from 5:30-8:00pm. This is a


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