Join us in Youngstown for our second VBC Veterans Storytelling Lunch on Friday, June 14, from 11:30am-1:30pm. Location is the Jewish Community Center of Youngstown (505 Gypsy Lane Youngstown, Ohio 44504)
This is a free event, but we would appreciate an RSVP. We’d also welcome a $10pp donation.
You can make a reservation either to the Youngstown JCC or the Veterans Breakfast Club:
JCC: 330-746-3250 ext #106 or
VBC: 412-623-9029 or
The Veterans Breakfast Club brings American history to life. Join us to listen and learn, connect and heal, and say thank you to those who’ve served. You don’t need to be a veteran to attend.
Where else, but at the Veterans Breakfast Club, can you gather for a casual meal and meet a 101-year-old Navy WAVE codebreaker from World War II, a Silver Star recipient from Vietnam, and a Top Gun F-18 pilot all at the same time?
The Veterans Breakfast Club has been bringing these people and more together for face-to-face storytelling events since 2008. People come to listen and learn, connect and heal, and say thank you to those who’ve served.
These breakfasts began informally in 2008 with some 30 World War II veterans. They grew to give our organization its name and serve as the flagship for a growing array of storytelling programs where veterans of all eras and branches of service could share their experiences with the public. Most of these in-person events are held in the Pittsburgh region, but we’re branching out to other locations to reach more veterans and hear more stories. One week we might might be in a VFW hall, then next week a country club or a banquet room.
We serve lunch at 11:30am, start the program at 12:00pm, and bounce around the room with the microphone until 1:30pm listening to as many veterans as we can. You never know what you’re going to hear. There are often a few tears, and always a lot of laughter. Join our community of listening by coming to one of our face-to-face storytelling events!
Thank you to the Youngstown JCC and the Thomases Family Endowment for Supporting this Event!