The Scuttlebutt | Season 4 Episode 14
Due to the popularity of our first JROTC field trip, The Scuttlebutt travels to Pine Richland High School (Pennsylvania) to talk with Air Force JROTC instructor and Air Force veteran, Michael Gasparetto about his service and what awaits students in JROTC. He is joined by Cadet/Colonel Caitlin Howard and Cadet/Staff Sgt Connor McHugh who offer insightful first hand accounts of their time in Junior ROTC and how it has prepared them for successful careers after high school. You can find out more about JROTC at Air University or if you are interested in joining a Junior ROTC program, you can read more at Watch the full episode at Thank you to Millerstown Pic-A-Part for sponsoring this episode!
Thank you to Millerstown Pic-A-Part for sponsoring this episode!