The Scuttlebutt | Season 7 Episode 21
Letters from Vietnam
To connect with family, friends, and loved ones back home today’s servicemen and women utilize email and live-video calls. That wasn’t always the case.
In Vietnam, our brave men and women deployed overseas had to rely on written letters. These letters could contain good news, bad news, or no news at all. “Mail Call” was either a respite from the stressors of war or a depressing event. But what specifically did these letters contain? And how did our troops respond? What details did they omit to protect their loved ones? Did they fear a Dear John or Dear Jane letter?
Joining The Scuttlebutt this week to talk about the history of letter writing in the military including their personal letters home are Vietnam Veterans Donn Nemchick (Navy) and Jim Roberts (Army). Their wars couldn’t have been more different. Donn served on a ship while Jim served in the bush.
How did they each receive their mail? And what did they write about when it came time to respond? Was Mail Call always a happy time? And what of our boys that fought in WWII? What was V-mail?
We also discuss the books, museums, and online exhibits that catalog and preserve the stories of our servicemen and women for future generations.
For a brief history of the US Military Mail Services visit
Operation Meatball – V-Mail: America’s Secret Morale Booster in WW2 –
You Have V-Mail – Smithsonian Magazine –
Mashable – V-Mail –
Chapman University – The Center for American War Letters –
Boot Camp – What is Mail Call? –
Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam –
Dear America – Letters Home from Vietnam –
Letters from Vietnam: Voices of War by Bill Adler –
Letters from Vietnam by Dennis Hoy –
The American Soldier | The Scuttlebutt | Season 7 Episode 1 –
VBC Happy Hour with LOON author Jack McLean –
Loon by Jack McLean –
To watch this episode, please visit our website at
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