The Scuttlebutt | Season 4 Episode 5

This week on The Scuttlebutt we begin our trek through Post-9/11 war movies by welcoming back Ryan Ahl, Kathryn Ghion, and filmmaker Evan Mulgrave to review BILLY LYNN’S LONG HALFTIME WALK and SAND CASTLE. Each movie covers the warrior’s journey but in very different ways. One’s a hero, the other breaks his own hand to get out. Neither film fared well on Rotten Tomatoes (BILLY LYNN – 44%, SAND CASTLE – 47%) but did they deserve the bad reviews? We’ll answer that and other questions: Did they accurately portray life in the military? Did Ryan catch any inaccuracies? And most importantly – did either movie give us something to rant about? You betcha! Check out the new episode to see what all the fuss is about at

Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk Trailer


Thank you to Millerstown Pic-A-Part for sponsoring this episode!