The Scuttlebutt | Season 3 Episode 11
Veterans Housing Services Coordinator with the Veterans Leadership Program AND District 29 Commander Jessica King, District 28 Commander and Department of PA Legislation Chairman Jim Brown, and Brian Armstrong of Post 8427 Herminie. The VFW has been around since the late 1800s. As of 2020, it has grown to include 1.6 million members and Auxiliary members, forming 6,000 local Posts, grouped into 52 Departments covering the 50 states, the Asia-Pacific area, and Europe. Over the years, the VFW has influenced government policy and created a space for veterans and community members to come together. Join us on The Scuttlebutt as we learn more about the VFW of today and how it will evolve in the future. You can learn more about the VFW at and