VBC Documentary “We Left As Brothers” Blu-Ray Cover

The VBC is excited to announce that its documentary about the return of members to Vietnam in 2018, We Left as Brothers, is now available on Blu-Ray and streaming on Amazon.

In March of 2018, eighteen members of Pittsburgh’s Veterans Breakfast Club traveled to Vietnam to tour old battlefields of what Americans called the Vietnam War. They started in Hanoi, the heart of the Communist North, and worked their way down 1,000 miles to the Mekong Delta. They got to know the country and met some of the people we once called the enemy.

Six of these travelers were Vietnam veterans who served in-country a half-century earlier. Some these six came looking for closure. Others just wanted to see in peace the natural beauty they remembered in war. None of them expected to find what they did in Vietnam. And all of them returned profoundly changed and prouder of their service in the 1960s.

We Left as Brothers is a tribute to those who fought in the Vietnam War. And it’s also a reminder that the history we experience first-hand never turns out the way we think it will. Sometimes we need to go back and see with fresh eyes where we were in order to understand better where we are.

Watch the trailer below!