The Scuttlebutt | Season 1 Episode 2

The main story in our first Scuttlebutt episode centers around: Who Serves? To answer that question, we narrow our focus through two lenses: Geographically and Demographically. I highly recommend listening to our findings or you can watching the episode on YouTube (link).

This week we are taking a closer look at the people who serve and asking the question: why would a civilian risk making the ultimate sacrifice by joining the military? As a non-veteran, I admit that the military was never a part of the conversation as I researched possible careers. I received calls from recruiters but my knowledge of the modern military was limited by the historical facts presented in my American History class and I never gave it a serious thought. It’s one of the reasons I am so enamored with the answers I get when asking a veteran why they chose to serve. -Shaun