We’ve all heard of USO shows, but there’s another far-more intrepid group of entertainers that produces over 1,200 shows around the world each year, reaching over 500,000 personnel at 355 military installations. It’s called Armed Forces Entertainment, and it’s the Department of Defense’s agency for reaching US servicemembers at the most remote, isolated, and dangerous locations, from ships at sea to landlocked battlezones. Listen to The Scuttlebutt AND join Happy Hour this week for a two-part story featuring RG Smith. On the Scuttlebutt, you will hear about RG’s service as a Navy combat photographer and public affairs officer for riverine units in Vietnam followed by his tours with the Nancy Wiles Band in Canada, the Persian Gulf, Panama, and Bosnia. Then join us on Happy Hour tonight (December 5th, 2022) to hear about RG’s “Final Act!” – What was it like performing in Somalia?
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