The Iwo Jima Flag Raising on VBC Coffee Hour

Today on VBC Coffee Hour we mark the 77th Anniversary of the Iwo Jima Flag Raising. Brent "Westy" Westemeyer joins us to talk about the battle, the photo, and Harold "Pie" Keller, the Marine Brent recently proved was in Joe Rosenthal's famous photo.

Alex Yawor

. . Alex Yawor served with the US Marines in the Pacific during WWII. Painter Yawor produces portraits of killed military personnel Your Content Goes Here

Bob Williams

. . Bob landed at Parris Island at a hard time for the Marines.  The Corps was so short of manpower that the teenage Bob soon became a drill instructor, barking orders at recruits a dozen years older than he.By 1944, Bob had transferred to the new 24th Marine Regiment,

Rege Wessell

. . Regis Wessell of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania wanted to be a marine, like his uncle who served in WWI, but the recruiter didn’t think the young lad had the right stuff.  “Go join the Boy Scouts,” the gruff Sgt. barked, belittling Regis for his small stature.  Besides, he was only seventeen.

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